School, College and Health Service
There are 6 schools and one boarding school operating at the moment including one high school. Barpakies are hopeful that they will soon get funding for a college from the central government. Barpak needs a bank and a mini hospital to meet the healthcare needs of the community. There are few private pharmacists with some training to look after villagers when they get ill. They are trusted more by villagers when they are needed. There is a state funded health post providing family planning advices and basic medical treatment facilities and few complimentary medicines supplies. At the time of birth complication and serious accidents, medical surgical help is 2 days walk reality which poor people even cannot afford that and they are forced to die without proper medical treatment; instead, they depend on readily available traditional Lama Jhakri to cure their illness. This is very sad reality of Barpak and Barpakies without any question. Upcoming road will buy some time to take ill person to the nearest hospital soon.