Ghale Language is spoken practically in Barpak and surrounding which has different VDCs eg Laprak, Gumda, Khorla, Uiya, Jagat, Philim. Ghale language is spoken by almost 25 thousand populations around Barpak. Barpak is believed to be very old settlement historically in the sense that people still practice Bona religion. They seemed to have adapted Buddhism Hinduism and now there is small minority of Christianity. It has one monastery on the top of the village, one temple and one church. But in practice; Barpakies go to Dhami Dorong or another suitable places(cemetery) on Chandi Purnima (on Buddha’s Birthday) to worship and get blessing from their ancestors. They gather especially brothers of same clan believed to be extended family from same forefather this day to remember their ancestors and get blessing from them offering food and wine following ritual puja from kul Jhakri(chosen Seamen). Barpakies celebrate Magheesangranti, Pushpandra, Chaitee Dashain, Biashak Purnima, Shrawan Sakranti, Dashain, Tihar, Ekadashi.
In fact they celebrate Dashain more gracefully then anywhere else when most of the families gather at their homes in this festival. The head of the village would keep Jamara and start Dashain on Ghatashthapana. Every body especially children have to put on new cloth in Dashain and every home most sacrifice a sheep or goat to celebrate Dashain. Dashain ends with putting away fulpati and Chelo competition but it is still unclear as how long Barpakies have been celebrating Dashain